What does Story County Conservation do?​
The mission of Story County Conservation is to connect people with nature and improve natural resources, making Story County a great place to live, work, and recreate.
Story County Conservation (SCC) manages more than 3,500 acres of parks and natural areas, including lakes, campgrounds, and trails, along with an additional 5,500 acres of roadside habitat through the Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management program.
To learn more visit: https://www.storycountyiowa.gov/1579/Conservation-Parks
What does the Story County Conservation Board do?​
Story County Conservation is governed by a board of five members who are appointed by the Story County Board of Supervisors. These members serve five-year terms and are responsible for making decisions regarding the management and policies of the county's conservation areas and programs.
To learn about the board visit https://www.storycountyiowa.gov/518/Conservation-Board
How does a Conservation Bond work?​
The county can issue a general obligation bond for conservation projects at a low cost to taxpayers. For instance, a $25 million, twenty-year general obligation bond for conservation would increase the county’s annual debt service payments by $1.839 million and cost the median homeowner about $32 per year in additional property taxes.
What is a supermajority?
The bond issue is placed on the ballot for a public vote and requires 60% or more of bond voters (a supermajority) to receive approval.
Will my taxes increase if the bond is approved?
Yes. If Story County’s Water and Land Legacy $25 million bond is approved, it would cost the average homeowner in Story County $2.60 a month, or $32.00 a year. The average residential assessed value is $229,100. The bond would cost $1.77 a month, or 21.35 a year for every $100,000 assessed Agricultural value. The bond would cost $2.83 a month, or 34.03 a year for every $200,000 assessed Commercial value. Story County Conservation will utilize contributions from private donors, grant funding, and community partnerships to enhance the county's investment, maximizing the impact and reach of every dollar spent.
Also, the numbers above are predicated on Story County selling the full bond amount right away. That will not happen. Instead, Story County would only sell bonds as improvements are ready to move forward over time. This will bring interest bond payments down, decreasing the amount levied to taxpayers.
The proposed distribution of Story County Water and Land Legacy Bond spending is as follows:
How do I know the conservation bond funds will be spent wisely?
The referendum requires funds to be used only for the purpose written in the referendum and not for any other purpose. All expenditures will be audited as well as disclosed to the public to ensure public benefits are maximized.
How can I share my thoughts on the conservation projects?
Story County Conservation improvements are guided by a board approved strategic plan that includes an ongoing community input process.
The public is always invited to attend the regular Story County Conservation Board meetings and provide input during public comment periods.
What is the Story County Water and Land Legacy Bond Committee?
The SCW&LLB Committee is a diverse coalition of conservationists, recreational enthusiasts, parents, hunters, bikers, and economic development leaders. This committee spans urban and rural areas across the county. All members share a commitment to protecting our land and enhancing our habitat, with the belief that these efforts will strengthen our economy, benefit our communities, and improve our quality of life.
Who is a part of the committee?
Kori Heuss, President & Owner, Heuss Printing (Co-Chair)
Jim Pease, Board Chair, Story County Conservation (Co-Chair)
Wayne Clinton, Honorary Chair
Jane Halliburton, Honorary Chair
Ted Tedesco, Honorary Chair
Diane Birt, President, Outdoor Alliance of Story County
Andrea Boulton, Trails & Community Conservation Director, Iowa National Heritage Foundation
Alison Doyle, Associate Director, Iowa State University Research Park
Kurt Friedrich, Broker-Owner, Friedrich Realty
Tim Gartin, Attorney and Ames City Council Member
Brandon Geise, Insurance Agent, State Farm
Carole Gieseke, Marketing & Communications Director, Discover Ames
Hannah Inman, Chief Executive Officer, Great Outdoors Foundation
Christine Laumer, Board Secretary, Story County Conservation
Emily Naylor, County Conservation Development Director, Bolton & Menk
Jonathan Popp, President, Popp Engineering and Mayor of Gilbert
Mike Todd, Executive Director, The Community Academy
Al Weber
How can I share my thoughts on the conservation projects?
Story County Conservation improvements are guided by a board approved strategic plan that includes an ongoing community input process.
The public is always invited to attend the regular Story County Conservation Board meetings and provide input during public comment periods.
How can I get involved?
Donate Now
Make a financial donation to help educate the public about how voting YES on November 5 will benefit Story County residents for decades to come. Donations can be made in the following ways:
​By Check. Please make the check payable to “Story County Water and Land Legacy Fund” and send it to the Great Outdoors Foundation, 501 SW 7th St., Suite G, Des Moines, IA 50309. They are serving as the fiscal agent for this campaign.
By Card. You can donate by credit card. Please visit: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VKD2CZ52J5FVW
Volunteer. If you are willing to hand out flyers at local events, make a presentation to your network, or assist with lawn sign distribution, please email Florance at info@waterandland.org
How do I vote?
Tuesday, November 5th
Polls Open: 7:00 am
Polls Close: 8:00 pm
How to vote:
Vote by mail. Ballots can be requested starting August 27. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is October 21.
Vote early at the Story County Auditor’s office (Nevada) or at a satellite voting location beginning on October 16.
To request an absentee ballot, find your polling location or find the satellite voting locations, visit: https://www.storycountyiowa.gov/123/Elections.
Vote in Person on Election Day. No eligible voter will be turned away from the polls. To find your voting location, please visit: https://apps.storycounty.com/electionpollingplace/